For PR novices…

Published by Tony Quinlan on

It’s short notice, I know, but I’m going to be chairing the Media Trust’s “Introduction to PR” seminar next Tuesday 16th January at the Park Crescent Conference Centre, Great Portland Street, London from 2pm onwards.

It will be a good afternoon – other speakers include:

Introduction to PR, Christine Johnson – Bell Pottinger

Preparation and Research, Suzanna White – Head of Corporate Communication and Information, Police Information Technology Organisation

Implementing a PR strategy, Rebecca Southern – Edelman

Evaluating your PR Strategy, Turner Broadcasting – tbc

Case study, Jo Inskip – PR Consultant Charity Sector

To book a place, go here  and click on the Info button by the first event.


With other commitments that day, I won’t be around for surgeries and one-to-one sessions on the day, but please catch me at the breaks and we’ll set one up separately.