Using SenseMaker® – emotional intensity

If that isn’t you, skip this one – nothing to see here… When I’m building SenseMaker® frameworks, there’s one multiple choice question that I almost always include – and when it’s not finally included, it’s because despite deploying my best persuasive powers the client doesn’t see the need. The question is: When at the start of a SenseMaker® project, it looks like an unnecessary complication – but when analysing

What are your intentions in reading this?

It all built the market, I believed that part of Narrate’s USP was the perspective I brought to the work – and that at worst it meant that I had a spur to continue to be innovative and coming up with the next thing to keep ahead of the magpies. … I say this, not to accuse, but to give voice to a disquiet I have in sharing some of the practice I’ve developed – I want to talk about some elements I’ve found really useful in SenseMaker® – but I find I’m reluctant to share and that I am disappointed to find myself being guarded and considering my words and thoughts more carefully.

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