Getting familiar with SenseMaker®

Published by Tony Quinlan on

If you’re thinking about running a project exploring complex issues like culture, there’s another chance to kick start a project with the SenseMaker® trainings in Seattle from 1113th March 2015.

As many people know, I’ve been using SenseMaker® software to understand populations and design and monitor programmes for the past six years.  In recent years, more and more people are exploring it – but it can be a daunting beast to start with.

So earlier this year, I started running new courses specifically designed to help people run SenseMaker® projects – the subjects have been as varied as culture change, customer insight, population understanding and real-time feedback from passengers.  Singapore and London were great successes – we’re keeping the numbers small so that we can focus on people’s real projects – and so far we’ve built a bunch of frameworks as part of the two-day Building and Testing Signification Frameworks course:

  • Exploring the possibilities for spreading innovative use of technology
  • Understanding blockages to use of Agile software techniques
  • Real-time feedback from rail passengers – with the potential for crisis handling built-in
  • Investigating citizens’ concerns around cost-of-living, including what social elements can mitigate perceptions of problems

The course, therefore, is much more than just information – it’s actual framework-building.  Two of these are rapidly moving into testing and will start work soon.

So if you’re thinking about it, but not sure where to start … see you there.


(And there will be more of these later this year – the full schedule was almost finished on last week’s flight when my laptop went awol, taking six hours of planning with it… Ho hum!)