Narrate at the UN Data Literacy workshop, November 2018
His slides from the conference are downloadable here (with a couple of text-heavy slides that were removed for timing):
UN Data Literacy outline – November 2018 with additional slides
For details of why stories and micro-narratives from the field are better self-interpreted rather than either expert-interpreted or algorithm-analysed, there are two more detailed posts here and here.
Curious about SenseMaker®?
Check out our one-hour webinar on Friday 23rd November
We are running a special one-hour webinar on SenseMaker® for attendees to the UN workshop. The webinar will be on Tuesday 20th November 2018 at 0930-1030 GMT. (To check time in your timezone, click here. If you’re in North or South America, let us know and we can try to schedule a second one that’s not in the middle of the night.)
Register for the webinar on EventBrite here.
Book a confidential conversation
If you’d rather have a confidential conversation to explore whether it would be appropriate or useful in your work, Tony has freed up a day for conversations – feel free to book a time for an online conversation with him. Available dates are 4th December, 11th December and 16th December 2018.
You can see what times are available and book a conversation here.
Other NGO experiences
An article here also has links to a variety of pieces written by UNDP micro-narrative research users, including projects throughout Eastern Europe and Central Asia around prejudice, peace and reconciliation, disability rights, Roma discrimination and the Greenb Economy. And this article here contains a full case study written up by Kecia Bertermann and Rebecca Smith of GirlEffect on their experiences with SenseMaker®.